オペラ「戯れ言の饗宴(La cena delle beffe)」のあらすじ



Act 1

Lorenzo de' Medici has ordered Tornaquinci to host a dinner at his house to make peace between Giannetto 
Malespini and the Chiaramantesi  brothers, Neri and Gabriello. Neri had taken Giannetto's mistress, 
Ginevra, for himself, and as a "joke", both he and his brother had tormented Giannetto by putting him 
into a sack, pricking him with their swords, and throwing him into the Arno river. Bent on vengeance, 
Giannetto convinces Neri, who has become drunk at Tornaquinci's dinner, to dress in his full armour and 
seek out a fight in an unsalubrious quarter of Florence. After rumours spread by Gianetto's servant, 
Neri is branded as a mad man and is locked up for the night, while Giannetto spends the night with Ginevra, 
who in the darkness believes him to be Neri.

Act 2

In Ginevra's house the next morning, she learns who her real lover had been the previous night. She is 
pleased rather than appalled,regretting only that she did not know it at the time as it would have made 
the tryst all the more exciting. Neri bursts in and is enraged by both Ginevra's reaction and Giannetto's 
perfidy. The Medici servants enter and drag Neri off again.

Act 3

Neri is tied up in the Medici cellars. Giannetto and a doctor pretend to treat him for his madness by 
bringing in several people whom he  has wronged in the past to taunt him. Lisabetta, one of the women 
Neri had wronged is still in love with him and feels pity for him.
 When the others leave, she urges him to act truly mad, whereupon she will ask for him to be released 
into her custody. Giannetto returns and is horrified to see that he has actually driven Neri mad. 
He begs Neri's forgiveness, but Neri continues to behave like a madman and ignores him. Giannetto decides 
to continue with his revenge by telling Neri that he will once again sleep with Ginevra that night.

Act 4

In her house, Ginevra awaits another tryst with Giannetto. Unbeknownst to her, Giannetto has told Gabriello 
that Ginevra loves him and is waiting for him that night. Neri, now freed from the Medici cellars, bursts 
into Ginevra's bedroom and stabs both Ginevra and the man he believes to be Giannetto to death. He then 
encounters Giannetto waiting for him outside the room. Neri now realizes that Giannetto's last "joke" has 
led him to killing his own brother. He rushes back into the bedroom and emerges now genuinely insane and 
calling out for Lisabetta.
Giannetto's revenge is now complete, but tormented by what he has done, he takes no pleasure in his victory.